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 Yangzhou University   Score:78.18   Forward

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Yangzhou University is located in Yangzhou, one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural cities in the country. It is the first batch of universities in the country that is supported by the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Provincial Key Comprehensive University, and Jiangsu High-level University National Top 100 Provincial University Construction Plan. Doctoral and master's degree granting units, the first universities in the country to merge schools. The predecessor of the school was Tongzhou Normal School and Tonghai Agricultural School founded by the famous modern industrialist and educator Mr. Zhang Jian in 1902. In 1952, when the departments of the country were reorganized, its agricultural sciences and the department of culture and history were moved west to Yangzhou, and Subei Agricultural College and Subei Teachers College were established; other four colleges and universities were also established in Yang or moved to Yangzhou in the same period. School. In 1992, the school was formed by the merger of 6 universities including Yangzhou Normal University, Jiangsu Agricultural College, Yangzhou Institute of Technology, Yangzhou Medical College, Jiangsu Water Conservancy Engineering College, and Jiangsu Commercial College.

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