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Changelog News Changelog News #96

Why you shouldn't use AI to write your tests


Swizec’s article on not using AI to writes tests, LlamaFs is a self-organizing file system with Llama 3, a Pew Research analysis confirmed that the internet is full of broken links, Sam Rose built a spectacular interactive study of queueing strategies & Jordan Cutler shares a real-life experience of him writing clear/readable code… and it backfiring.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #592

From Sun to Oxide

2024-05-22T12:30:00Z 🎧 15,267

Bryan Cantrill, Co-founder and CTO of Oxide Computer Company, joins Adam to share his journey from Sun to Oxide – from Sun and Fishworks, to DTrace, to ZFS, to Joyent and Node.js, and now working to build on-prem cloud servers as they should be at Oxide.

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